Its been a year since I began writing this blog. Since then, I’ve covered a wide variety of topics, all covering ways to help prepare you for college and your career. Whether you’re homeschooled, public schooled, or just starting college, you now have a resource here to get you started, if nothing else. I’m confident […]
-Read more!All posts in Main
Utilizing LinkedIn
Everything is done online nowadays: banking, sending messages, participating in social interaction. Now you can even put up your resume for everyone to see…okay, okay, this is really nothing new. LinkedIn, the biggest one of the bunch, will be turning 11 in May, and there are others that have been around longer than that. The […]
-Read more!25 Things You Can Do While at a Red Light
Red lights are a pain. Especially in metropolitan areas where there’s a lot of traffic and the lights have you waiting for a good three minutes. You’ve got things to do, places to be. Tests to study for, even. There just simply isn’t enough time in the day to spend it waiting at read lights. I […]
-Read more!Advisors & Admissions Officers: The Sales Reps of the College Business Model
There are two kinds of people that you want to be weary of: salesmen and lawyers. Both are very sneaky, able to formulate an argument and sell you on it, even if they don’t entirely believe it themselves. They’re both essential to business as one drives sales while the other helps retain the money gained […]
-Read more!Does It Really Matter Where You Go to College?
Nowadays, the major concern for parents and students is availability in the job market, given so many graduates come out of college without a job. It’s a common issue, and one that drives many students to seek out cheaper alternatives so that they’re not sinking in debt by the time they finish their degree. It’s […]
-Read more!What Would You Do With A Paid One-Year Vacation?
When I finished high school, I didn’t take a break. I dove right in full time, taking two classes in the summer and five each spring and fall semester. I finished my A.A. in General Education in a year and a half and rolled right into my Bachelor’s in Information Technology the following semester. By […]
-Read more!The Ethics of Cheating
There’s a lot of ethical choices we must make in our life. Many of them to not only affect those around us, but our image as well; and when we tarnish our image, it all comes back to affect those around us. ‘if you were to kill a man, not only does it affect the […]
-Read more!Redesign of the SAT
The College Board announced a couple weeks ago that it will be redesigning the SAT. It’s something that, many say, has been long overdue. In the past, I’ve mentioned that there were plans to redesign the SAT to align itself with the Common Core standards, though if this has anything to do with that, I’m […]
-Read more!Will a College Degree Help You Get a Raise?
When you go to college and spend tens of thousands of dollars on a Bachelor’s degree, they expect to come out with a job, established in the career of their choice. But because many of them lack experience, they must settle for an entry-level job, making far below the statistical average of about $45,000 a […]
-Read more!What You Should Not Be Doing in College
There’s a lot of things you could be doing in college, like doing homework, studying for tests … hanging out with friends while doing homework and studying tests. Whatever it is that you may decide to do, always keep in mind that you’re in college to learn and get that degree that you’ll end up […]
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