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New Year’s Resolutions

It’s New Year’s Eve. It’s that time of year where families get together to celebrate the dropping of a ball as it rolls in the new year. For college students, it’s that time of year where stupid people get together to get stupid drunk to wake up the next morning in China with a stupid hangover, realizing then that they still have another month before the year of the Horse.

Anyway, it’s also that time of year where you wait in anticipation, planning to break every one of your new years resolutions. Because really, it’s only inevitable.

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Developing Good Study Habits

I don’t think I need to go into too much detail as to why studying is important. When you go into college, it becomes a way of life: you read over the material, take notes, create a study plan, and study…a lot. It’s not something you can take lightly, especially when you begin taking higher […]

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The Numbers and Statistics of College Readiness

College readiness is a term frequently thrown around by high school teachers, media outlets, and your government representatives looking to pass legislation in a botched attempt to fix our education system, and those annoying motivational speakers who get paid to tell you why you should go to college. But if there’s anything that numbers and […]

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Finding the College That’s Right For You

Life is full of options. What should I major in? Should I ask that girl out on a date?   Where should I go to college? What kind of sandwich should I make for lunch? Deciding what you want to major in is hard enough alone, but picking a college can be almost as difficult […]

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Who’s To Blame For the Rising Student Debt?

According to the U.S. Department of Education, the average cost of attending a public four-year college or university has increased by $1,700 between 2008 and 2012. That may not seem like a lot, but where the total price is right now, students are looking at an average cost of $23,200 annually. Factor in scholarships and […]

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Is Protesting the Way to Go to Get Better Pay?

You probably heard a couple weeks ago about the protests that were going on in an effort to raise minimum wages to $15 an hour. Not to mention that such an raise in wages would only increase living expenses, there are better ways to get what you want than claiming “victim” status and demanding better […]

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The Underachiever’s Guide to Christmas Decorating

Christmas. It’s that wonderful time of year where everyone climbs up into their attics to bring down those long forgotten Christmas decorations. It’s that time of year where everyone sets up a tree in the middle of their living room to worship it. First, they decorate it. Next, they offer gifts to it. Then they […]

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Free Textbooks?

In the past decade, the cost of college textbooks has risen by 82%. On average, students spend about $1,200 on textbooks each year. Now paper doesn’t cost that much, and writers aren’t paid that well, so the government is doing something to fix this. Currently, a bill is going through Congress to help solve the […]

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Finding Your Career

In a two part series called “Finding Career Bliss”, blogger and professional copywriter Kristen Fischer discusses her journey through college and career and gives advice on how students can make an easy college to career transition. The first part, How to Select a College Major You’ll Actually Use, explains the right way you should go about […]

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Don’t Casually Date Your Degree

You’re a semester into your degree and you realize, “wow, this major really sucks!” It’s nowhere near as interesting as you thought it would be, so now you’re sitting in front of your advisor to change it. But what do you change it to? Choosing a major is like being in a candy store. Tons […]

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