There are two kinds of people that you want to be weary of: salesmen and lawyers. Both are very sneaky, able to formulate an argument and sell you on it, even if they don’t entirely believe it themselves. They’re both essential to business as one drives sales while the other helps retain the money gained […]
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If you're looking for a good internet resource to help get you through college and get started on your career, then you're not lost; or maybe you still are, but I can help you with that. This site is aimed towards homeschoolers (that is, the ones being homeschooled) such as yourself . If you're not a homeschooler, then sorry, I can't help you....I'm kidding!
Whether you're public schooled or homeschooled, in college or just starting high school, you'll find that much of what I write here can be valuable in your career-building efforts.
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