Fighting college expenses may be an impossible task for those unable to obtain the scholarship or grant money needed to pay for college. CNN Money gives some advice in this area, making the scholarship search a little easier. Search Scholarship Websites Sites like Cappex, Fastweb, Zinch, and are great places to start. Some of […]
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The Different Types of Loans
There are a few ways you can pay off your college expenses. One would be through scholarships and grant. Another would be to get a job. I think that just about covers it…wait, that’s right. Loans… Unlike the other options that are available to you, loans are a risk. You can pull as many as […]
-Read more!Applying For Scholarships and Grants
This is one of those things that you end up spending a lot of your time in your senior year of high school applying for. Most, if not all, of the scholarships and grants that are out there are time sensitive, so you must complete your application by a given deadline. If you’re lucky, you […]
-Read more!How Should You Spend Your Tax Refunds?
Now if you’re like me, you’re going to be inclined towards spending your tax returns on that brand-new laptop with the latest line of Intel processors built into it and a beefed up graphics card to allow you to play your games and multi-task. Granted, my old laptop was dying and I needed something much […]
-Read more!Avoiding Financial Mistakes in College
Now I certainly hope your mother taught you how to be financially responsible. Because if she did, a few of these points should be common sense. On MSN Money is listed the 5 most common financial blunders college students make, so what can be done to avoid making some of these mistakes? Avoid using credit cards. They’re great […]
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