Whenever it comes to the decision of pulling loans, the best choice would usually be to say no. It’s a risk, because you never know if you’ll be able to get a job right out of college to pay it off (usually, you don’t). Typically, students make the mistake of borrow more than they really […]
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Colleges May Penalize You Over Preference On Financial Aid
As you’re filling out your FAFSA, you’ll eventually come to the part where you have to list the colleges that you plan to attend to, or which ones you want to attend to. Little did you know that your listing is shared, meaning that colleges can see how you rank them among other colleges. So […]
-Read more!Applying for the FAFSA
This is something you normally don’t hear about until after you’ve applied for college or, in rare cases, when you walk into the Financial Aid office at you college and are told that you need to apply for a FAFSA before you can do anything else. “A FAFSA?” you may ask with bewilderment, “why the heck do I have to apply for that?!”
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