There are several ways you get money for college: through scholarships and grants, through your family and friends (if they’re generous enough), by getting a job, or by crowdfunding. Through a Kickstarter-like platform called Pave, students are able to receive money through investors to help pay for college expenses. Now you’ll have to pay most of this back of course, but the method is more forgiving than your typical loan as you don’t have to pay back more than 10% of what you receive in income.
What’s great about this is that, like a scholarship, you have to show that you have potential in order to gain the interest of investors. This means that you have to show that you’re interested in the field that you’re studying in. For instance, if you like to draw or animate and you’re seeking a degree to make it into a career, create a website (a portfolio) displaying your work and post a link of it on your profile.
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