When you’re in college, you have the freedom to spend as much money as you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. It’s important to learn a little self control in this area and manage your money. That means no going to Starbucks and buying Frappuccino’s for yourself ever day. U.S. News posted up an […]
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If you're looking for a good internet resource to help get you through college and get started on your career, then you're not lost; or maybe you still are, but I can help you with that. This site is aimed towards homeschoolers (that is, the ones being homeschooled) such as yourself . If you're not a homeschooler, then sorry, I can't help you....I'm kidding!
Whether you're public schooled or homeschooled, in college or just starting high school, you'll find that much of what I write here can be valuable in your career-building efforts.
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